Vision Behind SingleStore ’ s Shake-up of The
Title Database of the video Market
Raj Verma likes to take highly complex concepts and explain them in a way so we can all grasp them .
“ Twenty years ago , data was a certain type of data . We were very used to it . The volume , variety and velocity of data was very well understood and had been understood for about a couple of decades .”
“ Yes , I know the Internet has made some difference to it and we thought “ oh my goodness , because of the Internet , data is exploding .”
“ But not fundamentally . The velocity and the volume did not increase that dramatically ... and then this happened , right around 2008 .” As he says this Verma waves his smartphone in the air … and the point is made .
Verma cites the birth of social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook as the turning point . Add to that the way internet delivery speeds ramped up at
“ The last 18 months has fundamentally made a huge paradigm shift as to how companies use data ”
the end of the last decade and you have all the criteria for a perfect storm which changed the face of the data landscape . This is what Raj Verma refers to as
‘ Modern Data ’.
“ There was this explosion of data that happened . And this modern data had a very different volume and a very different velocity .”
30 December 2021