Cyber Magazine December 2021 | Page 33

Verma uses the example of taking a holiday to Italy in the pre – Modern Data era . Take a picture , come home , develop it and send it to a few friends . “ Now you pick up your mobile , take a lot of pictures and BOOM ! You send it to forty thousand people – some of whom you have never met and will never meet .”
“ Just imagine . Multiply this amount of data from one person by millions and then by more millions . This is what is now being thrown at enterprises .”
Back in 2011 as CMO of Tibco Software , Raj Verma gave a speech where he said the volume of data was doubling every eighteen months . When I said that I remember people were saying “ Holy hell . Data is doubling every eighteen months , how are we going to

“ IBM , Oracle and SAP have had a lock on the database market for decades and now people are paying the full price for this ”

manage that ?” And now I ’ m reading that data is doubling every month and some people are claiming it ’ s every week .
So , that kind of deluge of data being thrown at all of us is something which the old technologies and databases , like the Oracles and the IBMs and the SAPs of the world , just weren ’ t built to manage .”
And in that statement , we get to see the real driving force behind Raj Verma and his mission at SingleStore . He is in this business to shake it up , force it to evolve and ensure SingleStore ’ s technology is sitting right in the eye of this storm . cybermagazine . com 33