is Phishing ?
such as laptops or smartphones , which may not have all of the appropriate technical measures required by the company for workstations physically present in the office . This lack of security could turn into serious vulnerabilities to external threats such as clicking on unfamiliar web links , opening attachments , or visiting unsafe websites . Moreover , employees could be tempted , outside of the office , to use their personal accounts for work ( private email , file sharing systems , or storage ) because it seems to be more convenient , thereby mixing the organisation ’ s data with their own personal data . The Academy says companies should provide their employees with a remote working policy in which rules and tips for remote working are clearly listed . It says remote employees should be instructed on how to keep personal information and company data safe , especially when working from home . Moreover , they should be regularly trained about the best practices and guidelines to adopt for data protection .
Phishing According to cyber security company Kaspersky , phishing has become more prevalent since more people are working from home . A recent Ivanti phishing survey found the global shift to remote work has exacerbated the onslaught , sophistication and impact of phishing attacks . Ivanti surveyed over 1,000 enterprise IT professionals across the US , UK , France , Germany , Australia and Japan . Eighty percent of respondents said they have witnessed an increase in volume of phishing attempts and 85 per cent said those attempts are getting more sophisticated .
44 December 2021