British Army ' s digital transformation project , THEIA
ambitious and exciting , and signals a genuine change of direction that is being embraced from the top down .
Lieutenant General Chris Tickell is Deputy Chief of the General Staff ( DCGS ) of the British Army , a role he was promoted to in August 2019 and which involves representing the Army Top Level Budget ( TLB ), direction on personnel policy , and oversight of the future development of the Army .
So how does Lt Gen Tickell believe THEIA will change how the Army operates ?
“ THEIA is what I would describe as
“ THEIA is what I would describe as an ambitious but critical transformation programme for the Army ”
CHRIS TICKELL LT GEN , BRITISH ARMY an ambitious but critical transformation programme for the Army , which will take us from a relatively analogue approach to our activity at the moment , into the digital space ,” says Lt Gen Tickell .
Much talk following the Integrated Review focused on those reduced troop numbers , but isn ’ t a reduced ‘ workforce ’ inevitable across most industries these days , as technology and automation help humans become more efficient ?
“ The Integrated Review reduced some of our numbers within the Army based on what
54 December 2021