Cyber Magazine July 2022 | Page 67

or as intelligent as possible to manage the abundance of threats to which companies are exposed . As businesses hand out digital devices to their employees , Kawalec believes this will facilitate a shift in the way cyber criminals target them , finding their entry points on the edge instead of conventional infiltration methods .
“ We ' re going to see greater focus , not just on large single targets , but across many small organisations as the price per attack decreases . We ' re also going to see a greater focus on the user . This is where emerging trends like ‘ zero trust ’ really come to the fore ,” Kawalec says .
To expand business globally and securely , organisations must look at their threat landscape , as well as their detection capabilities and strategies for minimising the damage inflicted by impending cyber threats . Luckily , Vodafone Business ’ Head of Cybersecurity is on hand to help , believing that simplifying cybersecurity for its customers is the key focus for success . cybermagazine . com 67