Cyber Magazine March 2022 | Page 101

GLOVO focused specifically on sensitive data identification and protection . “ And that ' s not just about compliance and GDPR , but also our commitment to care about our stakeholders .” said Antukh .
Trust built over time Glovo has come a long way as a company in the general understanding of the threats posed to the IT infrastructure . “ When we started , we had to develop security training for our employees . People were quite openminded and that also helped us , as that attitude is part of our global culture .”
The importance of explaining the need for security was very important in this process , according to Antukh ; “ Once we proceeded , it definitely helped not just to say , ‘ hey , I ' m an expert , just trust me ’ . We were able to show why we believe so . We also needed others to believe in it to make it happen , so it was in our best interests to make them
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