Cyber Magazine looks at the key findings from the World Economic Forum ’ s 2022 Global Risks Report 2022
Cyber Magazine looks at the key findings from the World Economic Forum ’ s 2022 Global Risks Report 2022
In a new report released by the World Economic Forum ( WEF ), cybersecurity has been identified as a major short and medium-term threat to the world , adding to existing challenges posed by climate change and the COVID pandemic .
The Global Risks Report 2022 , now in it ’ s 17th edition , encourages leaders to think outside the quarterly reporting cycle and create policies that manage risks and shape the agenda for the coming years . The report is based on results from a global risk perception survey conducted among targeted groups with known membership including scientists from all fields and disciplines . This also included groups of peer- and self-nominated experts from Future Earth and the International Science Council , recruited to build a community around this survey work . Over 200 scientists completed the survey and respondents were asked to rank the likelihood and impact of the top global risks over the coming decade , identify clusters of interconnected risks that could lead to a global systemic crisis , highlight emerging risks to the global community , identify future risks that we are or have already committed to .
The report found that widespread dependency on increasingly complex digital systems , means that growing cyber threats are outpacing societies ’ ability to effectively prevent and manage them . Malicious activity is proliferating , in part because of the growing vulnerabilities , but also because there are few barriers to entry for participants in the ransomware industry and little risk of extradition , prosecution or sanction .
Attacks themselves are also becoming more aggressive and widespread , according to the report . Cyber threat actors using ransomware are leveraging tougher pressure tactics as well as going after more vulnerable targets , impacting public utilities , healthcare systems and data-rich companies . For example , before it disbanded , DarkSide , the group accused of being responsible for the Colonial Pipeline attack , offered a suite of services (“ triple ” or “ quadruple ” extortion ) to
42 March 2022