Cyber Magazine March 2022 | Page 49

“ What ’ s needed is for both sides to pool their resources for a more concerted defense ”

unrelenting global challenges and build resilience ahead of the next crisis .”
The WEF says initiatives should focus on emerging technologies , such as blockchain , quantum and artificial intelligence , as well as the modes of digital exchange they facilitate , like the metaverse . Leaders must remain attentive to perennial concerns like cybercrime and ransomware attacks as well . At the organisational level , upskilling leaders on cybersecurity issues and elevating emerging cyber risks to board-level conversations will strengthen cyber-resilience . In a deeply connected society , digital trust is the currency that facilitates future innovation and prosperity .
Trustworthy technologies , in turn , represent the foundation on which the scaffolding of a fair and cohesive society is built . Unless we act to improve digital trust with intentional and persistent trust-building initiatives , the digital world will continue to drift towards fragmentation and the promise of one of the most dynamic eras of human progress may be lost , the WEN concluded .
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