While remote care has obvious advantages , it has also made cyber security a priority for the business . “ Recent cyberattacks have really highlighted the impact on treatment continuity ,” says Rebecca .
“ For us this is an extremely important topic . It ’ s a critical focus to protect the integrity of patient information . We are collaborating with our partners to ensure our patient information remains secure . We do regular upgrades to ensure the latest security measures are in place , we have systems that isolate customer segments , we have measures in place to prevent cyber leaping between silos of information , and then we also have systems that minimize the downtime if a customer system is attacked to ensure we get them back online as quickly as possible .”
Varian provides cancer centres with software products for managing the patient ' s journey from diagnosis to survivorship . “ This software contains lots of tools and features that allow clinicians to work remotely and collaborate between clinics and healthcare systems ,” explains Rebecca .
“ In the past , for rarer types of tumours , patients might have to travel greater distances to get to a centre with the
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