112.6K + employees worldwide ( Sept . 30 , 2022 )
160 number of countries
22K + partner companies
245mn +
Subscribers in SAP ’ s cloud-based user base
they ' re able to take advantage of a very modern , easy to consume and use software experience and focus on their core business functions .
“ Despite not directly interacting with it , the work around you is what ' s driving that environment for you ,” says Castro . “ You ' re not putting that burden of three or four extra clicks on somebody , this is just software that ' s being driven from digital signals ; from integration , automation , and the tasks that the operator is performing .”
This newer approach to software design is how SAP leverages the industry investment companies have made and it is what ' s ultimately reducing the impact that end users have on that environment themselves .
How manufacturers can focus on business value versus technology There are different pillars within organisations , which have their own priorities . CEOs , CIOs , CTOs and CFOs are all working together and have overlapping needs that drive different business cases . But they need to have the right information at the top layer to make the right decision for the lowest layers within the organisation . This doesn ' t happen unless there is a framework in place for the distribution and analysis of the data that is generated , from the very edges of the manufacturing and supply chain processes to the shop floor .
“ If you don ' t have a way for that information to work its way up to the top , organisations really struggle to understand where the priority needs to be ,” says Castro .
34 March 2023