with security-conscious sectors such as financial services having already made the leap ,” Rogers predicts . “ In Okta ’ s State of Zero Trust report , 100 % of financial services organisations said they planned to have a Zero Trust initiative underway in the next 12-18 months . This comes after the sector has faced a 35 % increase in ransomware attacks , more so than any other industry , according to the latest report by the Anti-Phishing Working Group ( APWG ).”
Traditionally , security has been a world where there are a number of problems every time an attack surface expands , describes Vats Srivatsan , President and COO of ColorTokens .
“ If you transition some of your processes to the cloud , suddenly the cloud becomes an area that is ripe with a diverse set of attacks ,” says Srivatsan . “ This means that CISOs are constantly playing Whack-a-Mole , fixing one area of vulnerability , just to ask if they are safe now – and the truth is no one can really tell whether they ' re safe or not .
“ This approach is not sustainable . As a whole , we have tried – and largely failed