Cyber Magazine March 2023 | Page 7

FOREWORD Is the world ready for the great cybersecurity storm of 2023 ?

World leaders , police chiefs , and technology experts have warned cyberattacks present a global threat that demands a global response . And the clock is ticking , with the overwhelming majority of stakeholders expecting a catastrophic cybersecurity event in the next two years

“ It looks like the global cybersecurity industry is going to have its first year of being truly tested in 2023 ”

A cybersecurity storm is brewing , and 2023 will be a critical year for global business – that was the warning from experts at the World Economic Forum ' s annual meeting in Davos .
Cyberattacks are increasing in sophistication and frequency , the world ’ s richest and most powerful business leaders were told at the annual gathering , and developments will include unprecedented cyberattacks .
The bleak outlook was reflected in PwC ' s 26th Annual Global CEO Survey , which was released during the Davos event and represents the most pessimistic outlook the survey has ever recorded . A report published by the WEF with Accenture found 93 % of cybersecurity experts and 86 % of business leaders think a catastrophic cybersecurity event is likely in the next two years .
It looks like the global cybersecurity industry is going to have its first year of being truly tested in 2023 . And we ’ ll be following the fallout in Cyber Magazine – we hope you ’ ll join us for the battle .
GEORGE HOPKIN george . hopkin @ bizclikmedia . com © 2023 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED cybermagazine . com 7