Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 105

08 Michelle Drolet
Gal Helemski

08 Michelle Drolet

Michelle Drolet specialises in cybersecurity , cloud , and virtual CISO services businesses . Drolet grew up in a military family and went on to earn a degree in Political Science and Criminal Justice . Drolet ’ s initial dream career was with the FBI , however , once the PC revolution hit , she witnessed the rampage of Trojan viruses and malware , so eyed opportunities applying forensics , mitigation and security services to desktops , networks and people .
She used her expertise to establish Towerwall as a market-leading cybersecurity service and solution provider in 1999 . In 2019 , she was recognised as one of the Top 25 Women in Cybersecurity by The Software Report and as one of the Top CEOs to Watch in 2020 by CIO Views .


Gal Helemski

Co-Founder and Chief of Innovation & Product
PlainID is a Tel Aviv-based cybersecurity firm that provides business-policy-based authorisation . Gal Helemski co-founded PlainID in 2015 , a firm that allows enterprises to govern , administrate , and control who has access to assets throughout their digital ecosystem .
" I think it ' s important for women to know it is possible ," she said . " Sometimes , I think it may seem to women that it ' s not an option . If you made a decision that this is what you want to do , this is your choice of career path , then go after it ." cybermagazine . com 105