Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 108

Chani Simms
Tanya Janca


Chani Simms

Meta Defence Labs UK
An award winning cybersecurity leader and keynote speaker , Chani has gained her knowledge by implementing and securing IT infrastructure solutions for multinational companies . Chani advises at C-level and is a specialist in helping organisations to understand , implement and manage information security and privacy requirements .
She is also the founder of the SHe CISO Exec ., which is an open give back training and mentoring platform in information security and leadership managed by Meta Defence Labs . It aims to create a talent pool of information security leaders that CISO ’ s need , to fight the ever-evolving cyber crime epidemic .


Tanya Janca

Founder , Security Trainer and Coach
Tanya Janca is an advocate for diversity and inclusion . She co-founded the international women ' s organisation WoSEC ( Women of Security ), a free community for women to gather in person in cities across the world to network , vent frustrations , discover peers , and make new friends .
For her part , she mentors , advocates for , and empowers other women in her field . SheHacksPurple is a learning platform dedicated to teaching Application Security , DevSecOps , and Cloud Security .
108 May 2022