Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 116

Booking . com ’ s Head of Cyber Detection & Response , Ariel Lemelson , discusses being proactive in cyber defence and how to prepare for emerging threats

Booking . com is one of the world ’ s leading marketplaces for travel . It makes sense , then , that they need world-class cyber defence capabilities . The Cyber Detection and Response Group keeps Booking . com , its customers , partners and employees secure around the clock . The group oversees things like Cyber Detection engineering , security product management and advanced cyber incident response .

The group consists of over 45 highly talented , passionate security professionals , in charge of the cyber defence of one of the biggest , most recognisable e-commerce companies in the world . So maintaining Booking . com ’ s overall security and compliance , as well as ensuring their customers ’ and partners ’ data is handled in-line with the highest international standards , is a core priority .
116 May 2022