" For much of my career , I did not want to be recognised as a woman CEO – just a CEO . However , you cannot be what you cannot see , and eventually , I realised that I had an obligation to help and inspire others "
Early College High Schools , or P‐TECHs , that now helps more than 240 schools in 28 countries . She is also a member of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management Advisory Board , the Singapore Economic Development Board International Advisory Council , and the BDT Capital Advisory Board .
Rometty emphasised the importance of pioneering new models that can create an inclusive environment just as society started to raise the question of whether the existence of AI would disrupt the workforce . IBM , according to Rometty , recognised the need to go beyond the technology and work to understand and address its societal impact .
" We ' ve coined the term ‘ New Collar ’ to describe someone who may not have a four-year degree yet ," she said . " They ' re not blue-collar , not white-collar . We ' re working on new models of education that deliver the right skills at scale and have a big impact in making this a truly inclusive era ."
During her tenure , she led IBM to create thousands of ‘ New Collar ’ jobs that enable people of diverse backgrounds and education levels from disadvantaged populations to join the company .
" My experience hiring workers without four-year degrees has helped confirm for me that a lack of credentials is in no way the same as a lack of aptitude or skill . Instead , it ' s an opportunity to help people see themselves in a position to thrive with the right support ," she said . " In this way , my career became a calling , and I ' ve dedicated myself to fostering inclusion in the workplace for all genders , races and creeds ."
Rometty plans to continue her mission of enhancing inclusion in the workspace in her role as co-chair of the OneTen coalition , which is committed to " creating one million jobs for Black Americans in the next 10 years by changing the way the world ' s biggest employers identify , train , and hire talent ". cybermagazine . com 19