Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 3

FOREWORD How secure is the Metaverse ?

“ As excitement around the metaverse increases , there are also raising concerns about the potential cyber risks ”

New technology is often developed and introduced to the market long before cybersecurity concerns are addressed .
As technology continues to rapidly develop , it ’ s important to look at how fast security is keeping up with these changes . More companies are delving into the Metaverse , but how secure is it ?
With cyber breaches in the real world increasing , it brings to attention the issues that virtual worlds may pose . Along with phishing , malware , and hacking that we are familiar with , the metaverse will likely bring entirely new types cyber crimes because of its infrastructure .
The metaverse is heavily centered on the use of cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens ( NFTS ), which can be attractive targets for cybercriminals for a variety of reasons .
Companies moving into this new type of world and interacting with their customers through it will need to keep an eye on sensitive data and look at the best ways to keep it secure .
TILLY KENYON tilly . kenyon @ bizclikmedia . com © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED cybermagazine . com 3