With this approach , training for employees is essential to ensure they can protect themselves against cybercriminals . Without it , both organisations and employees would continue to be vulnerable .
Recognising this importance , TCS is developing a “ holistic and orchestrated Cyber Defense Suite , an integrated technology platform , which will be offered to enterprises that are looking to adopt an end-to-end cybersecurity strategy with 360-degree visibility to improve their cyber resilience ,” said Sharma .
“ These services will combat emerging risks by understanding and monitoring diverse risk factors , meeting compliance and regulatory requirements and balancing the right technology platforms with proactive services to effectively manage risks ,” he added .
TCS will also continue to help its clients chart long term strategic cyber security roadmaps to navigate enterprise risk , adopting security by designs to make informed decisions on security solutions .
Sharma concluded : “ We are focused on enabling the future cyber resiliency vision of enterprises , by bringing in a critical cyber
34 May 2022