Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 41

CYBER SECURITY providers , including response time and reconstruction as its focus .
• Role management , this involves data owners , identity management , as well as users and access controls .
• Legal matters , including jurisdictions , relevant laws , service level agreements , contracts , subpoenas , as well as international cooperation , privacy and ethics .
• Standards , including standard operating procedures , interoperability , testing and validation .
• Training , to ensure adequate knowledge among forensic investigators and cloud providers .
Deloitte advises that companies would need to add more skills , especially related to forensics , to help them navigate cloudbased applications and data storage .
Cloud forensics vs traditional forensics Security and privacy have become prevalent issues when discussing cloud computing . Despite the popularity of cloud usage , some companies still want to prioritise forensic preservation and investigation experience related to the on-premise data sources as they transition to cloud-based data solutions .
Some end up relying more on traditional digital forensics , believing that it will cover all sides . Nevertheless , there are stark
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