Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 63


“ Using phone numbers instead of URLs helps cybercriminals ' messages bypass security measures or detection controls ”

How to mitigate digital risks The keys to mitigating digital risks are safe data storage and vigilance against potential frauds . It is important to make sure that your personal data is secure and that you are the only one who has direct access to them – in other words , no-one should access them without your permission and authorisation .
It is also recommended that you put measures in place to ensure that you prevent personal information , particularly banking information , from being lost or stolen . For
example , choose smart home products that use strong data encryption , as well as install anti-malware and anti-virus software on your personal devices .
Additionally , it ’ s essential to train yourself to recognise potential attacks . For example , if a link sent to your email appears suspicious , you should not follow it – it ’ s easy for a hacker to make a false website that looks identical to an actual page . Generally , you should always be cautious when a link via email or SMS promises chances to win a prize , no matter how trivial the prize ; you should be put on further alert if , upon clicking the link , the page automatically declares you the winner of the prize . Check whether the URL of the website is genuine by hovering over the link to see if it matches the address given . cybermagazine . com 63