Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 75

they were very strong on incident response . Baillio went on to say : “ We were able to marry those capabilities and those teams in a way that took those strengths and spread them across the system . Yes , that did involve new technologies and new processes , but we were able to leverage our budget , reducing duplication and standardising on common platforms . We ’ re now enjoying support from the highest level leaders , who themselves have come in from their industries that have had to deal with IT risk in the past .”
The new culture of growth has contributed to many successes , including enrolling all faculty staff and students on the phishing training program . Baillio insists that this is significant because providing this kind of ‘ on the spot ’ training to the whole community , as cyber hygiene becomes increasingly important , it reduces the attack surface across the institution . “ We consider that a big win ,” he says .
“ We ' ve been able to centralise endpoint control and management from all of the distributed IT groups , which from a security and risk perspective , covers a lot of areas where we were introducing more risk than was necessary . We ' ll be able to push our endpoint agents and our detection tools to every endpoint to patch on time ,” adds Baillio .
Valuable partnerships held key to transformation Baillio is keen to credit CrowdStrike and Proofpoint ’ s roles in helping the IT teams reach their initial goals : “ In terms of the endpoint management story , CrowdStrike were crucial in working with us on a security platform that would address all the different types of devices that we have at the university . Universities , in general , have a fairly open
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