Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 79

or malicious . We ' ve been able to leverage automation to automatically lock accounts and enroll people in training . As we now look at the cloud access security broker ( CASB ) and other things we ' re doing off 365 , we get this great email telemetry from Proofpoint , coupled with the data loss prevention ( DLP ) and behaviours happening inside of Microsoft 365 . There ' s just a lot of great data ” he says .
“ We see both those partnerships growing over the next couple of years , as their portfolios expand and our needs continue to expand ,” he adds . The research community Baillio is proud to support the university ' s research community , as they are handling more unclassified information than ever before , as well as meeting the government requirements for security .
“ We ' re finding that the ability to meet those needs and to be more dynamic and resilient on that front , we can do that better in the cloud . And so cloud security will be a big focus for us in the coming year ,” says Baillio .
The support given by the new IT setup assists the researchers to explore new options and avenues for data and insight . This expands into looking at retention and recruiting , not only from the student side but from a faculty side too .
“ We have a lot of maturity efforts , as we publish our strategy and look at things like identity , access management , a zero trust type of concept , affirming our processes and technology , and training our people on incident response . We have a lot of expansion coming up so will be recruiting for several positions on our security teams . I think we have a bright future in 2022 and beyond ,” he says . cybermagazine . com 79