Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 81

The recent attacks against critical infrastructures have led to new approaches to security solutions , such as Consequence-driven Cyber-informed Engineering ( CCE )



The recent attacks against critical infrastructures have led to new approaches to security solutions , such as Consequence-driven Cyber-informed Engineering ( CCE )



Consequence-driven Cyberinformed Engineering , or CCE , is an approach for safeguarding critical infrastructure systems . To put it briefly , CCE is about imagining the worst possible outcome of a cyber threat perpetrator , and then building a non-cyber or physical mitigation to lessen the possibility of a disaster occurring .

Developed by the Idaho National Laboratory ( INL ), CCE presents an alternative way to manage risk . Owners , operators , vendors , and manufacturers of critical infrastructure can use this technique to mimic the mindset of the threat to : analyse intricate systems ; identify aspects requiring the fullest extent of protection possible ; and use tried-and-tested engineering methods to separate and safeguard the most critical assets of a business
" The industrial sector is facing a barrage of cyber-attacks ," Jayne Goble , Cyber Security Director , KPMG UK , says . " In fact , the manufacturing industry saw a 300 % increase in worldwide cyber-attacks in 2020 , according to NTT research . This sector is such an attractive target to cybercriminals because , with downtime costing money , the potential to extract ransom payments is high .
" It ' s been estimated that ransomware causes downtime of 21 days on average — the sort of interruption that no organisation can afford ." cybermagazine . com 81