Cyber Magazine May 2022 | Page 84

CCE vs traditional security systems Current best practice techniques for cyber protection struggle to stop targeted attacks from resulting in catastrophic outcomes . From a national security standpoint , it is not just the harm to the military , the economy or critical infrastructure corporations that is a problem . It is the cumulative , downstream repercussions from potential regional blackouts , military mission kills , transit stoppages , water distribution or treatment challenges , and so on .
Organisations will be protected in ways that existing approaches cannot guarantee , using CCE to demonstrate the applicability of engineering first principles to the most pressing cybersecurity concerns . The most pressing threat is cyber-enabled sabotage , so CCE begins with the presumption that well-resourced , adaptive adversaries are already in and have , for some time , remained undiscovered and perhaps undetectable .
This design method incorporates such items as hard-wired controls - a manual off or auto switch - to be enabled for control in the absence of current automation or mechanical backstops that physically prohibit a compromised control system from damaging physical assets . The SCADA system may not be able to control well flushing valves if they are currently wired for PLC control .
84 May 2022