Cyber Magazine May 2023 | Page 31

With its platform enabling more choice and control over telemetry data , Cribl is helping SAP Enterprise Cloud Services accelerate its security initiatives
Cribl is on a mission to unlock the value of all observability data so that organisations can provide optimal and secure experiences for their customers .
As Ledion Bitincka , Cribl ’ s Co-founder and CTO explains , the main problems Cribl addresses in the market originate from an explosion in observability data . “ According to Gartner , the amount of data is growing roughly by 25 % every year , meaning that in about five years , organisations will have two-and-a-half times the amount of data that they ’ re dealing with today .”
Cribl ’ s flagship product in the market , Cribl Stream , is a vendor-agnostic observability pipeline . “ It allows organisations to collect and gather this observability , security , and telemetry data and route it at scale in the best format to wherever it makes sense , for alerting , analysis or compliance purposes ,” Bitincka says .
Roland Costea , the Global Chief Security Officer for SAP ’ s Enterprise Cloud Services is responsible for running the organisation ’ s overall global cybersecurity programme . “ One thing that represents our overall cybersecurity strategy is speed : accelerating our end-to-end security processes and services ,” he explains . “ We also need control and visibility into our own datasets , so that we are able to make intelligent decisions . What excites me most about Cribl ’ s platform is that it gives us the control , the flexibility , and the power of observability into our own data flows .”
SAP is helping organisations modernise their business processes and become intelligent enterprises . “ We are helping our customers to protect their core SAP workloads ,” Costea adds . “ With Cribl , we are able to spend less time on repetitive processes that can be automated , so that we can free up more time for innovation . When we innovate , we can better deliver on our customer needs , build better solutions , better partnerships , and be there every step of the way to help our customers achieve their goals .”
For more information visit cribl . io