Cyber Magazine May 2023 | Page 75



With app vulnerabilities on the rise , companies are increasing their investments in AppSec , with overall spending predicted to hit US $ 7.5bn this year


As technology continues to advance and businesses become increasingly reliant on digital platforms , application security ( AppSec ) vulnerabilities are on the rise . The impact of these vulnerabilities can be devastating , resulting in data breaches , financial losses , and reputational damage .

According to VMware , application security describes security measures at the application level that aim to prevent data or code within the app from being stolen or hijacked . It encompasses the security considerations that happen during application development and design , but it also involves systems and approaches to protect apps after they get deployed .
Companies are increasing their investments in AppSec , with overall spending predicted to hit US $ 7.503bn this year , a 24.7 % increase from the previous year .
According to Snyk , AppSec best practices can help uncover vulnerabilities before attackers can use them to breach networks and data . The issue is widespread : according to Snyk ’ s 2021 State of Cloud Native Application Security report , over 56 % of organisations experienced a misconfiguration or known unpatched vulnerability incident involving their cloud-native applications . While not all of these vulnerabilities present a major security risk , hackers themselves evaluate vulnerabilities to find which ones present a plausible method for penetration .
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