Security 101 - What you need to know in 8 minutes
“ It ’ s important to make sure that kids ’ phones are either restricted from downloading new apps , or that they ’ re informed and capable of questioning suspicious apps and identifying fraudulent ones ,” says McAfee .
The need for upskilling To safeguard companies , application development teams need to upskill their people , prepare for rapidly evolving vulnerabilities , and prove their readiness to confront them .
“ Despite the marketing hype , AppSec software and classroom-based training exercises alone fail to meet the mark ,” comments Breen . “ While AppSec software can provide a first line of defence , it can ’ t measure preparedness . Likewise , making teams take online cyber-security quizzes or get a one-time certificate is woefully inadequate for developing the skills necessary to thwart emerging threats .
“ Today , a new people-centric approach to team learning and preparedness called Cyber Workforce Resilience is paving the
80 May 2023