Cyber Magazine November 2023 | Page 23

Making the switch to quantum-safe cryptography

WATCH NOW to change , particularly when you look at government action .
Despite a slow start , the US has now firmly taken the lead following a series of orders and legislation from the Biden government . This includes the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act , which was passed in 2022 and details the migration to secure government information with postquantum cryptography . More recently in 2023 , US National Cybersecurity Strategy has outlined a roadmap to replace all vulnerable hardware , software and applications that could be compromised . This recent movement follows the foundation set by the National Institute of Technology ( NIST ), which launched a global competition to develop new algorithms that will withstand the quantum threat back in 2016 . This year , four have been shortlisted and are on track to be standardised – which is seen by many as the catalyst for the post-quantum migration to truly begin .
We ’ ve been very encouraged by this significant uptick in movement , but the truth is that post-quantum migration can and should have begun earlier . Especially with the threat of HNDL , everyone is playing catch-up . It ’ s not too late , but the next few years are crucial for the future of data and information security . cybermagazine . com 23