Cyber Magazine October 2024 | Page 106

intelligence sharing helps build a better picture of threats , collaboration on AI can build better defences .
“ Continuous improvement of AI models and collaboration with industry peers to share insights and best practices are crucial ,” Matt explains .
In a fight fire with fire scenario , AI is increasingly being implemented in defensive cyber capability .
Already , we are seeing partnerships between cybersecurity platforms like Blackberry roll out their AWS Bedrock-powered Gen AI assistant Cylance to speed up decision-making and stop more threats faster with fewer resources .
“ Gen AI can also be used to speedily parse through the huge volumes of security logs across multiple systems and devices to identify attacks more quickly ,” Darren explains . “ This can act as a good starting point for preventive actions designed to block or limit the scope for damage and protect key resources and data .”
This process of automation can help secure a future of better threat intelligence . These logs , often vast and unstructured , have traditionally posed a significant challenge for manual analysis . However , with the advent of Gen AI , organisations can now automate this process .
106 October 2024