This capability not only enhances response times but also serves as a critical foundation for preventive measures . By being able to analyse and profile more patterns and indicators of potential threats , organisations can implement strategies to block or limit the scope of these threats , putting preventive measures in place before an attack occurs .
“ Threat intelligence should be the precursor to preventative cybersecurity ,” says Graeme . “ This means that the knowledge acquired from threat intelligence should be utilised to predict cybercriminal activity before it happens , taking protection to the next level .”
Along with the implementation of AI , maintaining a robust data governance framework is imperative for ensuring the integrity and reliability of threat intelligence , with Matt advocating a continuous employee education and adaptation to spot new adversarial tactics .
While the threat intelligence indicates that AI poses an emerging threat , it also offers a powerful tool for enhancing threat intelligence capabilities . By harnessing AI ’ s potential , enterprises can not only build more robust defences , but improve their ability to anticipate and therefore mitigate cyber threats . cybermagazine . com 109