Cyber Magazine October 2024 | Page 153


The cybersecurity industry is no stranger to new technology . After all , it ’ s an industry that has to be proactive in order to stay ahead of adversaries .

This is more prevalent now than ever before . The increasing threat landscape , riddled with ransomware and a surge in distributed denial of service ( DDoS ) attacks , is increasing the pressure on professionals as they look for new ways to fight the onslaught .
Equally , the attack surface for which attackers can gain entry to the network has exponentially expanded . Cloud storage , hybrid workers and risk from third-party suppliers may have many feeling like the issues are outpacing solutions .
Although solutions are circulating , panaceas are hard to come by in cybersecurity .
But one game-changing technology , blockchain , has the potential to address a number of these issues due to its unique strength : decentralisation .
“ Blockchain technology , with its distributed and decentralised structure , introduces a novel approach to cybersecurity ,” explains Abhi Srivastava , Associate Vice President , Digital Economy at Moody ’ s Ratings .
Examining the building blocks of blockchain Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that securely records
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