Cyber Magazine October 2024 | Page 160

Blockchain is the foundational technology that enables the secure , transparent , and decentralised recording of transactions , which underpins the functionality of the world ’ s leading cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum .
consensus , thus maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of the information .
Equally , decentralisation can prove useful against the growing scourge of DDoS attacks .
“ Blockchain has also been able to resist malicious activity by internal users , external DDoS attacks and Sybil attacks ,” says Abhi .
DDoS attempts to disrupt the normal functioning of a targeted server , service or network by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic . This is achieved by utilising multiple compromised computer systems , often referred to as a botnet , which sends a large volume of requests to the target , consuming its resources and rendering it unable to respond to legitimate requests .
The distributed nature of DDoS attacks , with traffic originating from numerous IP addresses , makes them difficult to defend against .
But the decentralisation of blockchain makes it more challenging for DDoS attackers to overwhelm a single target as no single target is responsible for upholding the whole network .
160 October 2024