FOREWORD Keeping up to date with the challenges of remote working
Cyber security risks are constantly evolving , but are the security measurements that companies take keeping up with these changes ?
“ As cyber security risk has grown , so have the consequences .
Regulatory concern has led to increased requirements for resilience and the potential for penalties in the case of failures ”
Remote working has been a long-term trend , but the global pandemic supercharged it . The first lockdowns saw millions of businesses worldwide switch to home working overnight .
As more companies are adopting a hybrid model , it comes with its own cyber security issues . A lack of cyber security knowledge is leaving remote workers vulnerable , more susceptible to attacks such as phishing .
According to the World Economic Forum , 95 % of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error - something which can be easily avoided .
Although businesses have now had time to adapt , the IT risk landscape remains significantly more complex than when staff were almost all officebased . This complexity is only going to grow with the increasing breadth of connected devices and the implementation of new technologies such as AI .
To meet these evolving security challenges that home working brings , businesses need to take a proactive approach to regular cyber security training . The time to act is now and in our latest issue we share how companies are benefiting from taking this type of approach …
TILLY KENYON tilly . kenyon @ bizclikmedia . com © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED cybermagazine . com 3