Cyber Magazine September 2022 | Page 41


Cyber Magazine addresses the challenges of cybersecurity compliance in today ’ s modern organisations

Ensuring compliance is a key priority for many businesses , yet according to research by IBM and Morning Consult , more than 50 % of employees aren ’ t aware of their organisation ’ s new cybersecurity policies . The study found that the cybersecurity awareness of many employees is lacking because they are ignorant about new company policies relating to elements including secure password management , how to handle customer data and other key data concerns .

With potentially serious consequences for businesses who don ’ t meet their legal obligations , a strong set of policies and procedures is essential to ensure that business operations are consistent , compliant and safe . Yet , understanding your business ' s responsibilities and then putting the right policies and procedures in place is becoming increasingly challenging .
At the start of the pandemic , many organisations found themselves scrambling to implement a work-from-home environment . But , with so many changes occurring simultaneously , businesses had to create and roll out a myriad of new cybersecurity policies that then needed to be rolled out among staff .
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