Cyber Magazine September 2022 | Page 67


“Cybersecurity awareness training is now more important than ever ”

Businesses are right to be concerned about the remote working risks . Kiri Addison , Head of Data Science for Threat Intelligence and Overwatch at Mimecast , says : “ We are seeing an increasing volume of cyberattacks as a result of remote working across most industries . Working from home in particular creates many challenges , with business leaders experiencing minimised visibility of employee behaviour .”
IT teams and bypass security systems . It has an alarmingly high success rate and can be very hard to detect , particularly given the rise in remote working , which has introduced more devices than ever to companies ’ networks .
“ A key threat of this malware is its ability to evade detection – it goes to great lengths to do so effectively . Some have adopted a ' radio silence ' technique , through a sophisticated monitoring of system processes , where malware knows when to stay silent or lie dormant . ' Stealth mode ' techniques have also been adopted to evade detection , which involves frequently checking AV results and changing versions and builds on all infected servers when any traces of detection appear .”
What current scams do businesses need to be aware of ? Phishing is one of the key attack types of which businesses need to be aware . Recent Mimecast research found that phishing emails were the biggest culprit of cyber threats for businesses in 2021 , with 36 % of data breaches found to be a result of phishing attacks – 96 % of which occurred through email .
Kevin Curran , IEEE senior member and Professor of cybersecurity at Ulster University , says : “ Phishing is one of the main ways in which ransomware attacks begin , and it is extremely effective . Cyber criminals often target large numbers of employees through a series of attacks using tailored techniques or dynamic websites to outsmart cybermagazine . com 67