Cyber Magazine September 2022 | Page 9

Watch about the partnership between Okta and Presidio

Okta : identity for the internet

Okta ’ s vision is a world where everyone can safely use any technology : its promise , to protect the identities of all users , while asking “ what more can we make possible ?”
Today IT leaders cite secure employee access as their primary focus , thanks largely to an explosion in remote working . “ One of the scariest parts of the quick switch to remote work is the need to move quickly and securely ,” says Brock Dooling , Partner Alliances Engineer at Okta , a trusted platform to secure every identity , from customers to workforce . More than 10,000 organizations trust Okta ’ s software and APIs to sign in , authorize , and manage users .
Getting identity right is really important – but complicated . Clients can use Okta to enable their users to sign in with a username / password or with their social accounts like Google or Facebook using pre-built sign-in components from Okta . “ After the user has signed in , you can retrieve their user profile , secure your APIs and application backends so that only authorized users and applications can call them . With Okta clients can use their existing stack to build sign in , protect their APIs and move on with their lives !” That message is not lost on Okta ’ s
partners . Recently the CTO of lifecycle managed services provider Presidio Dave Trader told us : “ Okta has been a huge help in managing secure user authentication , while allowing developers to build identity controls into applications , website web services and devices .”
Password access is notoriously vulnerable , so automation of user authentication is at the top of the developers ’ agenda . Okta FastPass is already delivering passwordless login using default authentication implemented through biometric capabilities , rather than only by user-specific certifications . On March 4 2021 Okta acquired a complementary authorization platform . It will continue to support and expand Auth0 , with a view to eventual integration . “ Together , we will shape the future of identity on the internet ,” promises Brock Dooling . “ Okta and Auth0 address a broad set of identity use cases , and our identity platforms are robust and extensible enough to serve the world ’ s largest organizations and most innovative developers .”
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