Cyber Magazine September 2023 | Page 30

Name Surname that operate in a range of
“ Udesen is a true procurement heavyweight ”
Name Surname customers to access their systems
TOP 10




State-sponsored actors pose a serious threat to businesses

Name Surname that operate in a range of

This is the critical job title sectors , from energy and
Company healthcare name to finance or defence . These actors have advanced capabilities and resources to launch sophisticated cyber espionage campaigns that aim to steal intellectual property , disrupt infrastructure , or influence political outcomes . Increasingly common in recent years , particularly in the case of larger organisations , state-sponsored hackers often rely on targeted ransomware and spear phishing attacks to exploit vulnerabilities .

“ Udesen is a true procurement heavyweight ”


Businesses often rely on external partners , vendors , contractors , or

Name Surname customers to access their systems

This is the job title and data . However , this also
Company name creates potential entry points for bad actors who can exploit third parties Ratquunt ’ weak , simus security , qui blant controls . . Occum According liquibus to a , post-pandemic
suntur alitioreius workforce aut lit as eturit trends dis report quamenis , over 50 verempe % of businesses rferes elit were quamet more willing peditaspero to hire destios freelancers de vitiaesciis as a quas result ium of dit the vel shift et to prorem remote si work , with conest CyberArk volupiciam reporting , quas 96 eicilique % of organisations ventoru mquasimodit grant these quid external quat parties autem access eturese to rrorem critical comnime systems , providing voloris nonsed a potentially quatibus unprotected aut volore access ea nonsedit route , to eos their asperum data . volupta si ducium rae . Us doluptiam , cum sit , ipsandus autatem fugiam quia quia earum ate nim volent labore con et omnis ut eosapis qui simus sequo venimus eium et et eos
30 September 2023