Cyber Magazine September 2023 | Page 34

TOP 10


Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through human interactions .
It uses psychological manipulation to trick users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information . In cybercrime , these ‘ human hacking ’ scams tend to lure unsuspecting users into exposing data , spreading malware infections , or giving access to restricted systems .
Earlier this year Crowdstrike research outlined how sophisticated human adversaries look to evade defences – with the report finding 71 % of attacks detected were malware-free .


Data protection is not just a legal necessity , but it is also crucial to protecting and maintaining a business . But despite increasingly strict cybersecurity regulations and fines , lacking data security is putting the data of millions of individuals at risk – at significant cost to organisations .
But despite this threat , there is plenty of room for improvement : with research by Imperva finding that 32 % of nearly 100,000 breaches could have been avoided by having better data management and security .
34 September 2023