Cyber Magazine May 2023 | Page 22


“ Nowadays , it ' s rare for a call centre agent to have any familiarity with callers , making it tempting and easy for a fraudster to step into a customer ’ s shoes ”

“ The same technology can be used to provide an additional layer of authentication instead of or in addition to traditional questions like KBAs ( Knowledge Based Authentication ). KBAs don ’ t actually confirm the caller ’ s identity , merely that they know the answer to a handful of pre-set questions , such as the street you grew up on or your mother ’ s maiden name . In today ’ s digital world , a fraudster can find the answers to these questions relatively easily via social media , for example .”
Pindrop incorporating new technologies In contrast to machines , humans are not capable of consistently picking up on the unique identifiers distinguishing legitimate calls from fraudulent ones . Not only is this because many of these identifiers are simply inaudible or unrecognisable to the human ear , but the sheer number of calls handled by call centre agents each day makes it a logistic impossibility to accurately vet every single call .
“ You can ’ t make a connection without knowing who someone is , and call centre agents cannot treat every customer as a potential fraudster ,” Gaubitch explains . “ Therefore , stopping fraudsters in their tracks must not compromise on a meaningful experience between customer and agent , and this is where the role of AI and ML technology becomes imperative . Not only does AI and ML technology help the customer with their authentication process , but it also provides the agent with the assurance that who they are speaking with is a legitimate customer .
“ This way the call centre can provide an enhanced customer experience focused entirely on providing a personable , trusting , high-standard service , rather than being on high-alert for signs of deceit .
22 May 2023