“ As the digital world continues to evolve , it is important to incorporate new technologies to ensure dependable security . For example , recent media attention has highlighted fraudsters honing their skills and capabilities to create increasingly realistic deepfakes and looking to voice synthesis as a potential new technique . Whilst not new , these techniques have historically remained less well-known to the public because of the limited real-word applications available today ; however , testament to the news , they will only increase in popularity as they become more convincing . It is therefore vital that businesses be aware of not only these advancing techniques but other potential technologies that criminals can take advantage of , and adopt the appropriate technology to combat them .”
The future of Pindrop “ Pindrop ’ s mission is to provide security , identity and intelligence on every voice , and as voice comes to play an increasingly larger part in how we interact with technology , this mission will only expand ,” comments Gaubitch . “ Imagine your daily routine , how many instances can you think of where interaction through voice would make your life easier ? A car boot that opened at your command , or a television that recommended age-appropriate shows depending on the person speaking , for example . Voice is not only replacing passwords and PINs , but can start to replace endless other devices with the power of voice identity and voice security , presenting endless new opportunities for businesses and the human beings they serve . The future of Pindrop is all about using voice to open worlds for our customers .”
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